Privacy Statement
STACK the Flags Privacy Statement
The STACK the Flags Competition (the “Competition”), organised by Government Technology Agency (“GovTech”), only collects data that is needed to ensure the smooth delivery of the Competition. GovTech is committed to safeguarding your privacy and will use the data for administrative purposes before, during and after the Competition. GovTech is committed to safeguarding your privacy and will use the data for administrative purposes before, during and after the Competition. By submitting the registration form, the participating team members (and parents/guardians of the team members, where applicable) agree that GovTech may collect, use and disclose the personal data as provided in the registration form, for such administrative purposes.
To participate in the Competition, GovTech will require the following information from the participating teams:
- Team’s name;
- Team’s electronic mail addresses;
- Team’s mobile phone number or other contact details;
- Members’ full name;
- Members’ affiliation (Educational Institution, current employer, etc.);
- Members’ personal information such as age and nationality; and
- Parent/Guardian’s name, NRIC/FIN/Passport and contact details (if applicable).
GovTech may share necessary data with other Government of Singapore agencies, so as to enable each teams’ participation in the competition in the most efficient and effective way unless such sharing is prohibited by law.
As GovTech is committed to deliver the best Competition experience possible, there is a need for GovTech to retain the data indefinitely for administrative and evaluative purposes. To safeguard team members’ personal data, all electronic storage and transmission of personal data will be secured with appropriate security technologies.
The Competition’s Organising Committee (“Organising Committee”) will share the participating teams’ contact electronic mail addresses with the contractors engaged by GovTech, to facilitate the provision of user accounts on the contractors’ platform. This is to provision their user accounts on the contractors’ platform. Participating teams should provide an electronic mail address that is suitable for the purpose.
Withdrawal of Consent
Participating team members may withdraw consent for use of their personal data at any time upon reasonable notice to the Organising Committee, subject to legal or contractual restrictions or public interest requirements. Upon such withdrawal, the Organising Committee may in its discretion adjust the status of the Competition, including:
- Deem the participating team to have withdrawn from the Competition if the withdrawal of consent for use of its members’ personal data (or parents/guardians’ personal data where applicable) renders it administratively impracticable to allow the participating team to remain in the Competition;
- Adjust the Competition ranking;
- Award the Competition prizes and benefits to another participating team or otherwise dispose of the same as the Organising Committee deems fit if no other winning team can be conferred or identified the prizes and benefits.
Contact Information
Please contact us if you:
- have any enquires or feedback on our data protection, policies and procedures; or
- need more information on or access to data which you have provided directly to us in the past.